
May 02, 2024 Presenting our AISTATS paper on ensemble diversity for robust self-training at AISTATS 2024 in Valencia, Spain. 🇪🇸 🎤
Mar 05, 2024 Presenting our AISTATS paper on ensemble diversity for robust self-training at the MLSP of ENS Lyon. 🦁 🎤
Feb 15, 2024 Very happy to share SAMformer, a lightweight transformer for time series forecasting. Check out the code here. 📑 :bulb:
Jan 19, 2024 Our paper Leveraging Ensemble Diversity for Robust Self-Training in the Presence of Sample Selection Bias has been accepted to AISTATS 2024. 📑 :trophy:
Jan 17, 2024 Very happy to share our new preprint on Unsupervised Accuracy Estimation. 📑 :bulb: